Monday, September 8, 2008

Not in 'Kansas' anymore!

As I've had some time, I've been working out on the treadmill with my shuffle ipod. I've intentionally filled it with worship songs to help me focus and reflect... and to listen. It seems that I have to be so intentional about listening. God has spoken to me repeatedly in the "sweaty" moments, he has confirmed to me that "He does all things well". ALL THINGS. That includes all that is happening in our lives here, He is giving us His very best. It's just that our thoughts of "best" are often the opposite of what we might see as His best for us. It's been a deeper realization that "God works all things for good."

We experienced our first "hurricane" this weekend and were reminded of God's amazing power, His endless creativity, and His unexplainable sovereignity. The storm turned out to be much weaker than expected...we were out of power for just a few hours during the night. All is all, it was another moment when we looked at each other and said "we're not in Kansas (New York) anymore!"

Beside the hurricane, we are still adjusting to "time in the South" and how that affects everyday life. Even though school started two weeks ago, I have had 3 interviews in the last week and have applied for a handful of other positions in education. Doesn't it seem that these positions should have been filled BEFORE school started? Actually in NC, the state reevaluates staffing after the 10th day of school and may hire more staff at that point. So right now we're going through open doors until they are shut. I had a great interview for an ESL (English as a Second Language) position last Thursday and today I interviewed for a 4th grade teacher position at another magnet school here in Wilmington, just 5 minutes from our apartment. I am taking a licensure exam on Saturday in order to add the ESL to my existing license. I guess in the next week or so we'll be making some decisions about my employment.

John and Lizzie are both doing well at school...jumping up and down for a "free" day off from school on Friday due to the impending hurricane. John has been placed in an advanced/gifted math class. He is excited and proud. Soccer is coming along, we've been battling weather, thus his first game was cancelled over the weekend. Lizzie will start dance class tomorrow...both ballet and tap/jazz. She is thrilled! Both kids are swimming independently and working on their tennis game....on the court and on the Wii :)

Mark is studying for midterms this week...he is back to balancing work, studies, and family--- and doing it well. At one point last week, he said he missed mowing lawn....and perhaps his tractor? Apartment living is a bit confining at times for both men in the family... and requires little in the line of power tools or "good hard work."

Crosswinds Church is taking shape. We're planning our first event for October... hosting a "meet and greet" time at a local, growing housing development in Leland. We hoping to gauge interest and make contacts. I'll be telling you more about Crosswinds in my next post.

Until then, thanks for checking up on us and for praying for our family. We appreciate your concerns about the hurricane and your ongoing emails that encourage us--more than you realize! You, our friends and family, are precious to us!

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