Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our New Home

So here we are, thought we'd send you a few photos of where we live so you can get a better picture of what life is like for us here in Wilmington. Our apartment complex is large, but we have found it to be quiet. Maybe that will change as the college students move in at the end of August? Either way, it is not "apartment living" as we anticipated...it's been much better!

We're living on the third floor of this apartment house. We are on the back side which faces a wooded area. We did discover that there is also a train that goes through...at no particular schedule. The first night it was at 4am, and then we heard it again last night at 5am. It shakes the apartment, which is an odd sensation in the middle of the night. Just another aspect of the adventure.... :)

Though our living space is much smaller than we are used to, we are finding that it is working well. John still loves to play outside, and will often grab his friend Caleb (who lives just on the first floor) and they'll throw the football or baseball out back behind the apartments. We can see them from our balcony, so please so PANIC and think that we're letting them run wild! :) We did indulge in a new TV and a Wii system which has been fun to play as a family. We had a "Cow Chasing" tournament last night with the Vernons. Just a little taste of home for Mark.

There are a few other adjustments...Grammie, our mailbox has changed. We have a community box now as you see by the 3731 building. We need a key to access our mail, but always enjoy receiving news from family and friends. John and Mark have tried out the basketball and tennis courts...mostly in the mornings when it's cooler. The afternoons are pretty hot...that's the time for the pool :) Here's a few more pictures of the boys enjoying time together on the tennis courts...

We are excited to get into a routine; so far we are still feeling like this is a vacation. Please pray that God would provide open doors for job opportunities and for building relationships. We are heading to High Point tomorrow night to take part in the Wesleyan District Conference where they will "introduce" Crosswinds Church as part of the district. Mark and Pastor Chris will stay for the conference on Thursday, Ashley and I will take the kids and hang out for the day.

Thanks for checking out our blog and especially for your prayers on our behalf. We are thankful for God's constant protection, his gracious provision and his amazing goodness. We are humbled to be used as tools in the Kingdom and look forward to the coming weeks where our lives here will begin to take shape. We love you all!


Mark, Chris, John and Lizzie


Brother said...

I was so glad to receive your updates. Things sound and look wonderful. It is AOK to enjoy the blessings that God has chosen to bestow upon you - great!
I am in Batavia tonight, normally I might have tried to make it on down to stay with you but worked out well to allow me to work a little later today (Wed).
Chris, with all your pictures on the blog it inspired me to try and send some along to you and allow you to go to the Pagaent a little bit.
Thanks to Janet, but hugely and primarily to Daniel we got quite a bit of "play by play" I just gave him my digital and let him go at it as I did not have much left to focus on picture taking.
The girls met for a Lual (sp?) Orientation Lunch on Thursday.
DARN - I can't seem to get it to zap its way into this.
Tell you what, Chris, you tell me how I can get pics into this blog thing and I will try to attach some pics to your email for now.
Thanks and God's Love,

Brother said...
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Brother said...

A Wii - cool.
And just what is a "Cow Chasing" Tournament - especially near the beach in the Carolinas?

The O'Brians said...

Wow, what an awesome way for you to stay connected with all of your NY friends. I'm still in awe of the plans God has in store for all of you. I feel nothing but overwhelming joy and encouragement as you begin this new journey. My thoughts and prayers are with you each and every day. Your place looks great and I'm sure you're beginning to settle, taking one day at a time. May God continue to be your rock as you begin His journey with Crosswinds Church. I can hardly wait to be a witness to your story unfolding. May God continue to bless each and every one of you!
Take care, Meghan

Myles said...

Wow Chris, you guys are changing right before our eyes ....

A blog, high speed internet, a Wii !!

Before you know it you'll even have a southern drawl.
